What is dementia?

Symptoms of Dementia are related to memory loss and overall cognitive impairment. Most types of dementias gradually worsen overtime and are most often irreversible.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common and well-studied cause of dementia. It affects up to 70% of those diagnosed with dementia.

People with dementia are often in need of assistance in taking care of themselves. They may have a difficult time with communication and everyday activities such as grooming, preparing meals, and driving.

What are some signs or symptoms of dementia?

The symptoms of dementia vary depending on the diagnosis. In most cases, people with dementia experience a gradual loss of memory and other cognitive functions.

As the disease worsens, the patient may experience the following:

How is dementia diagnosed?

It is necessary to rule out additional causes of cognitive impairment. For example, interactions with drugs and strokes can be causes of dementia. If no other causes are found, the patient may be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, however an ultimate diagnosis cannot be made without brain examination at autopsy.

A team of professionals may help determine whether a person has dementia. That team may include:

The team will collect information of the patients difficulties in daily activities as well as ask questions regarding the patient’s memory among other issues. Patients can also be given a variety of tests in order to assess their cognitive functioning. The results of the overall evaluation will determine the diagnosis and treatment plan.

What treatments are available for people with dementia?

There are medications may slow progression of symptoms; however, they do not reverse the disease. More often, the patient may learn to recall information or perform daily activities through behavioral interventions.

A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can help a dementia patient with strategies that can preserve communication and cognitive functioning for as long as possible. Examples of strategies include

If the individual has difficulty swallowing, the SLP can work with them to ensure the patient can swallow safely. This may involve altering the patient’s diet or teaching alternate strategies to avoid risk of choking or illness. The ultimate goal of any intervention is to preserve the person’s quality of life for as long as possible.

What can I do to communicate better with a person with dementia?

Caregivers can do a number of things to help a dementia patient be able to better function in their everyday life. Useful techniques include: